Bratislava's large Orthodox Jewish cemetery is located on a slope overlooking the Danube River. The Orthodox chief rabbis of Bratislava, including the son and grandson of the Chatam Sofer – Samuel Benjamin Schreiber, or Ketav Sofer (1815-1871) and Simcha Bunim Schreiber, or Shevet Sofer (1842-1906) – are buried here. In the neighboring row stand the massive tombstones of members of the prominent Pappenheim and Bettelheim families, some of whom served as community presidents. The most interesting architectural aspect is the cemetery chapel, which was constructed in 1928-1929 based on designs by leading interwar architects in Slovakia, Fridrich Weinwurm and Ignác Vécsei. The interior of the chapel has plain walls and a black-and-white chessboard motif terrazzo floor that add to the solemn atmosphere of the hall.

Žižkova St. 36
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Orthodox Cemetery
Orthodox Cemetery