The former Great Synagogue was built in 1862-1863 by Bratislava’s most prominent contractor, Ignatz Feigler, Jr. An impressive Moorish building with a central tower flanked by corner turrets, it had a small fenced forecourt. Originally, the central tower was topped with a dome. According to legend, the dome was taken away by angels; in fact, the modification was made quickly one night, when Ketav Sofer, the Chief Rabbi of Bratislava, refused to attend the dedication of the synagogue if the dome remained intact. The synagogue was hit during World War II and razed in the 1960s. The book of seats of the synagogue has been preserved and is now part of the collection of the Jewish Community Museum.

Sitzbuch (book of seats) of the Zámocká Street Synagogue

Sitzbuch (book of seats) of the Zámocká Street Synagogue
Bratislava, 1863
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Great Synagogue
Great Synagogue