This house is connected to the Bratislava-born artist Adolf Frankl. In fall 1944, Frankl was deported to the notorious Nazi camp at Auschwitz. After the war, he began painting his cycle Art Against the Oblivion, where he transmitted his Holocaust experience to humanity. The communist regime expropriated the house from the Frankl family in 1948 and they soon after managed to escape to the West, finally settling in Vienna, where Adolf Frankl died in 1983. His son Thomas and his family today run Artforum in Judenplatz in Vienna, an art gallery presenting Frankl’s oeuvre. His artworks often feature Bratislava motifs – one of his paintings can be viewed as part of the Holocaust memorial wall at the Jewish Community Museum. A memorial plaque has been installed on the façade of the original Frankl house.

Verschleppung 1944 [Abduction 1944]
Adolf Frankl, undated, oil on canvas
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Frankl House
Frankl House